Saturday, May 29, 2010

Balinese Tattoo by Abenk

Beberapa waktu yang lalu yang sudah posting tentang Kent Tattoo. Kali ini saya menemukan lagi artis tattoo Bali Shadow Tattoo yaitu seorang artist tattoo dari bali namanya "ABENK".Menurut informasi di situs resminya Bali Shadow Tattoo mengatakan bahwa Mr. Abenk merupakan artist tattoo nomor satu untuk Balinese Tattoo dan sudah berpengalaman 12 tahun.Prestasi yang pernah dicapai adalah perlombaan

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tattoo Kupu-Kupu di Pundak

Tattoo kupu-kupu biasanya lebih disukai kaum wanita. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pun kupu-kupu melambangkan keindahan seorang wanita karena warna-warni sayapnya.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tattoo Burung Elang - Eagle Tattoos

Burung elang (Eagle) biasanya melambangkan keperkasaan kaum pria sehingga tattoo elang ini lebih banyak disukai kaum pria.

Kent Tattoo, the Master Tattoo of Indonesia

Bicara soal tattoo siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Kent Tattoo. Coba Anda suruh mbah Google untuk mencari master/artis tattoo Indonesia, yang disodori si mbah Google pastilah Kent Tattoo.Seniman tattoo di Indonesia bisa saja banyak, tapi saya rasa yang pantas disebut master tattoo dan benar-benar professional hanyalah Kent Tattoo (hehehe ini hanya versi saya), mungkin ada lain tapi belum terlacak

Tattoo Kupu-Kupu dengan Kombinasi Tattoo Bunga

Tatto lebah dikombinasikan dengan tattoo bunga

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tattoo Naga - Dragon Tattoo

Tattoo naga dikombinasi dengan tattoo burung merakTattoo naga di belakang badanTattoo naga di lengan

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Japanese Mask Tattoo

Tattoo Topeng Jepang - Japanese Mask Tattoo (Album 1)Tattoo Topeng Jepang - Japanese Mask Tattoo (Album 2)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tribal Sleeve Tattoos

Tribal sleeve tattoos are almost always seen in the form of the classic arcs and curves, which come in all shapes, sizes, widths and lengths, sometimes all of which are connected at some point.

These tattoo pictures below are a great collection of high quality tribal sleeve ideas for either girls or guys, however tribal sleeve tattoos in general are much more commonly seen on men.

Arcs and curves reaching up to the neck.
Black with hints of red.
Thick artwork idea.
Before and after completion.
Beautiful blue and purple combination.
Very fine and maze looking idea.

Japanese Mask Tattoo (Album 2)

Tattoo Topeng Jepang - Japanese Mask Tattoo (Album 1)Tattoo Topeng Jepang - Japanese Mask Tattoo (Album 3)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Girls Feel Sexy With Tattoos

Sexy Girl with Blue Pretty TattooFind out which members think tattooed girls is hot and what they are saying want to have Tattoo? with pretty picture. Girls are always asking Tattoos man , what tattoos they should get or what I think are the hottest?

Sexy Gils Dragon Tattoos Designs

A Pretty Woman in Dragon Tattoo Design in the Lower Back